Sound Art
The Camden Interludes
2013 / electroacoustic composition
At Margate Sands (excerpt)
2007 / sound installation
Mongdular (excerpt)
2007 / live performance for tape, electronics and percussion
Balloonarticularity 80 (excerpt)
2005 / electroacoustic composition
Bamboo Intervention
2004 / electroacoustic composition
Diffusion (excerpt)
2004 / electroacoustic composition
Steel II (excerpt)
2000 / electroacoustic composition

The Woodpecker Suite (excerpt)
2009 / electroacoustic composition

A soundtrack for buildings, which seeks to temporarily (and problematically) situate specific pieces of contemporary architecture within the history of heroic modernism.
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What if, rather than being a piece of 19th century exotica, Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days had been a futuristic novel, projecting Phileas Fogg’s travels into the 21st century?

A piece exploring the ideological space between the bamboo flute and the tape recorder, between the sound recordist and the performer, between truths and fictions, and between Western desires and Eastern traditions.

In 1937 the poet D G Bridson produced Steel - An Industrial Symphony for the BBC. Steel II celebrates and mourns the failure of the modernist dream represented by Bridson’s 1937 broadcast.